Coming Soon


trivia tuesdays
dj bingo
blues jam

Thursday March 6th

DJ Bingo!!!!!!If you’ve ever gotten the chance to stop by at Ron Blacks on a Thursday night when we play DJ Bingo, you know that our version is a far cry away from your grandmother’s bingo. DJ bingo is fun for groups small and large. It’s essentially fusion of Bingo and Meet that Tune. You get to listen to some fun tunes and the chance to win some cool prizes . Join us Thursdays as our DJs make you guess that tune…
08:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Saturday March 8th

Weekend Brunch!!
11:00 AM - 03:00 PM

Tuesday March 11th

Every Tuesday night we have a new theme for our Trivia Night! Each week the winning team receives a $100 cash prize. Bonus Fun Prizes are also awarded all night long. DJ Paddy Tubz will also give out a bonus prize to the team with the most creative name so give it some thought-it could be worth some money. Trivia is open to all guests every Tuesday night.
08:00 PM - 09:30 PM

Wednesday March 12th

Every Wednesday at 8:30 PM Grammy nominated guitar player Gil Parris leads the house band for our weekly live music jam. If you play an instrument or want to showcase your vocal ability, come and see us this week. Everyone has a great time and everyone gets a chance to show off.
08:30 PM - 11:30 PM